Photos I have taken that I like

Saturday 8 September 2007

Day 2 of the Tec Workshop :)

Good Evening everyone :) hope you are all well today :) This morning I decided I would have a cuppa and read my manual again - I have looked at it several times over the 7 months I have had the camera, some of it made sense but then some of it didn't and I am determined to learn it all - to see how I need to get the metering right in camera so I don't have to do it in PS and also the right aperture and shutter speeds etc. This is going to take a long time as I know I pick things up fairly quickly but unfortunately full time work gets in the way. But I have decided that I am going to take my camera with me wherever I go. Tomorrow I am off to Chester with Gill my bestest friend and we are meeting Richard from Nottingham and possibly others if they can make it other than that it will be the three of us stalking chester and then possibly Frodsham Hill but I will definitely be using the meter on the camera and hopefully my pics will come out as they should without PS. The following have only been slightly tweaked in PS.

Gill and I have been to our wirral crop today and we decided to take our cameras to practice the exposure bit of our course :) well we were settled in happily scrapping when one of the girls called us to the door and there in the bushes was a gorgeous cheeky robin. This robin we thought would fly away but we managed to take some and all the time we were thinking quick lets just get another one so technique went out of the window, although I did have it on Aperture setting rather than auto :) I managed to get quite a few of him, some were blurred and were ditched and others were okay - especially for scrapbooking and then there were a couple that are probably worth putting on here so here I go and hope you like looking - oh and composition was not easy as he kept flitting from a branch in a hedgerow to a compost heap - hence the plastic that he is sitting :( couldn't really do much about that we were just grateful that he just sat there singing to us whilst we clicked away :) The last photo of the four is Gill just about 10 inches away from the cheeky chappy trying to coax him on to her finger - that's how close he let us get before he decided to fly off :)

Hopefully I can use these photos to improve from - I just have to find another willing robin to sit and let me play with the settings on the camera as well ;)


Gill said...

They turned out quite well Chris, I must say, it is rather nice to see JUST my finger in one of your photos and not my BUM!!! :lol:

Lisa said...

I love photo no 3 he looks so cute with his head to the side, some great photos Chris.