Photos I have taken that I like

Friday 7 September 2007

Why I have started this second Blog

This blog is for my visual diary in relation to the Tec Workshop I am doing with Cheryl Johnson from . We are to do a visual diary as to what inspires us and why with samples of photos etc together with our take on our inspiration, which I will do as the 4 weeks progress. At the moment I am just uploading some pictures that I have taken that I quite like and will turn into a slide show to put on here as a start. I will also be looking around for what inspires me and why and I will upload the results on here also :) Please bear with me though as I also have to work full time and can not always get access to my blog to update but I will try my best :) I am hoping to us Macro as my theme as I love the close up affects that you get - the detail in things like petals and leaves :)

see you soon :)
hugs xx

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